01.     A Casual Photographer's Journal by Dao-Xian Chen_book design

“A Casual Photographer's Journal by Dao-Xian Chen” is a photography collection curated by Taiwanese writer Pulp Chen for his father, Dao-Xian Chen. Dao-Xian Chen developed a passion for photography in college, diving into photography books and teaching himself the art. After retiring, he joined photography groups on Facebook, reigniting his love for taking photos—“going out to shoot” became the most invigorating part of his later life.

As an amateur photographer, Dao-Xian Chen’s travels have taken him from a park near his home in Tainan to the other side of the world. With focus and intention, he presses the shutter in places as varied as Turkish valleys, the shores of Lake Baikal, and the snowy peaks of New Zealand. His lens captures the beauty of the world as well as the intimate memories of his family: his wife from youth to old age, his children growing up. This book is a “family self-publication” about the emotions within daily life, a tribute to the time spent together.

Graphic Design: Yi-Chen Huang
Photography: 李盈霞 & 張志偉
Year: 2024
Client: Pulp Chen
Print: 印研所 The Print Institute



身為業餘攝影師,他的足跡從台南住家旁的公園,橫越到地球另一端,在土耳其的山谷、貝加爾湖畔、紐西蘭的雪峰旁,專注地按下快門。他的鏡頭記下了世界美好的風景,也是家庭記憶的寫真——妻子從青春到老的身影,孩子的成長歲月。這是一本 「 家庭獨立出版 」 的書,關於生活中的情感,獻給一起共度的時光。

02.    Minerva_Logo+branding

Graphic Design: Yi-Chen Huang
Year: 2023
Client: Minerva CO., LTD.

03.    POMME_Package design

After turning 22, Pin Tsen began experiencing severe gastroesophageal reflux and could no longer eat refined sugar, leading her to leave the kitchen. She traveled alone abroad, starting a new chapter in her life. She stayed in Hengchun and Bali, practicing yoga and eventually earning her teaching certification. In Bali, a whole foods diet almost completely healed the physical ailments she had accumulated from years in the kitchen, profoundly changing her diet. This project focuses on raw foods, nourishing her body while she enjoys sweets. She uses gradients and translucent colors to represent her psychological changes—from the strict dichotomy of the dessert kitchen to truly engaging with the complex and colorful world. Exploring her emotions and those between people often feels blurry and ambiguous, an intoxicating experience.

Graphic Design: Yi-Chen Huang
Year: 2024
Client: Pin Tsen CHEN

POMME_Package design

在 22 歲之後,Pomme 主理人的身體開始出現嚴重的胃食道逆流,無法再食用精緻糖,因此決定離開廚房。她獨自離家出國,彷彿為人生開啟了新的篇章。她在恆春和峇里島停留,並練習瑜伽,最終獲得了師資認證。在峇里島,全食物飲食幾乎治愈了她多年在廚房工作累積的身體不適,並徹底改變了她的飲食方式。這個專案以裸食為主,讓她在享受甜食的同時獲得滋補。她用漸層和半透明的色調來表達她的心理變化,從嚴格二元的甜點廚房到真正接觸這個複雜多彩的世界,她在探索自我與人際間的情感時,經常感受到模糊與曖昧,這種感覺讓她陶醉不已。

04.    Ban Ling Xi Tieguanyin Oolong Tea_Package design

Graphic Design: Yi-Chen Huang
Year: 2022
Client: Post Wave Publishing

05.     INTO.pottery_Logo

Starting in 2023, INTO.pottery embarked on the fascinating and boundless world of ceramics, beginning an exciting and experimental journey. She focus on exploring various combinations of clay, glazes, and firing methods, hoping to discover a unique language and mode of expression. For her, ceramics is not merely a craft, but an exploration of materials, nature, and time. “INTO” not only signifies stepping into the realm of ceramics, but also represents a profound immersion, delving beyond technique to seek metaphysical poetics and infinite possibilities.

Graphic Design: Yi-Chen Huang
Year: 2024
Client: INTO.pottery

05.    INTO.pottery

自 2023 年起,INTO.pottery 踏入陶藝這個迷人且充滿未知可能性的領域,開始了一段有趣又充滿實驗性的旅程。她專注於不同的土、釉料和燒製方式之間的組合,希望找到屬於自己的語言和表達方式。陶藝對她來說,不僅僅是一種工藝,而是一次對材料、自然和時間的探索。「INTO」 不僅象徵進入陶藝的世界,也代表一種深度浸潤的姿態,探索技藝之外形而上的詩意與無限可能。

06.     Metaphors about islands

Waley Art was invited by 2021 Jakarta Biennale, Curating Team Gudskul and Curator Sandy Hsiu-chih Lo to organize an exhibition series “Metaphors about Islands” of Ring Project together in 2021 Jakarta Biennale, using islands as metaphors to depict abstract concepts such as relationships between groups and individuals, different types of political cultures, collective narratives, forgotten histories, and ideal futures.

Participating artists includes Gudskul, an artist collective from Indonesia, Liang, Ting-Yu, Lin, Yan-Xiang and Kuo, Chin-Yun, artists from Taiwan, invited by Peng Tsai-Hsuan, Director of Waley Art Taiwan and Independent Curator Sandy Hsiu-chih Lo. Meanwhile, Waley Art presents a physical as well as an online screening program in collaboration with Gudskul in 2021 Jakarta Biennale.

Graphic Design: Yi-Chen Huang
Year: 2021
Client: Waley Art


水谷藝術受 2021 雅加達雙年展、策展團隊 Gudskul、策展人羅秀芝邀請,共同策劃雅加達雙年展 Ring Project 《關於島嶼的隱喻》系列展覽。以島嶼作為抽象概念比喻人與群體的關係、政治文化差異、人類集體敘事、被遺忘的歷史以及對未來的理想。

由水谷藝術總監彭才瑄與獨立策展人羅秀芝,邀請印尼團隊 Gudskul、台灣藝術家梁廷毓、林彥翔、郭敬耘在台灣展出。同時,與 Gudskul 共同策劃錄像播映單元,於 2021 雅加達雙年展期間進行實體及線上發表。

07.    Adventures in the Screen Trade_book design

Graphic Design: Yi-Chen Huang
Year: 2022
Client: Post Wave Publishing

08.    WAVE MAKERS TV Show_Banner

Graphic Design: Yi-Chen Huang
Logotype: 究方社
Year: 2023
Client: 大慕可可 KOKO Entertainment



→ bb1029d@gmail.com